SSWD / DPMWD 2x2 Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
Date: 04/06/2020 5:00PM
Location: Teleconference Only at 1-877-873-8018, participant ID #116653 followed by the pound sign.
Note: In accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order, No. N-25-20, dated March 12, 2020, this meeting will be conducted by teleconference only. The District boardroom will be closed to the public, but the meeting will be open to teleconference to enable them to be heard on all matters on the agenda. If a member of the public wishes to call into the meeting, the conference number is 1-877-873-8018, participant ID #116653 followed by the pound sign.
Agenda and Items 1-10:
Meeting Page:
Consent Items: The Committee will be asked to approve all Consent Items at one time without discussion. Consent Items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. If any Committee member, staff or interested person requests that an item be removed from the Consent Items, it will be considered with the Items for Discussion and/or Action.
1. Notes of the March 2, 2020, Sacramento Suburban Water District/Del Paso Manor Water District 2x2 Ad Hoc Committee.
Items for Discussion and/or Action
2. COVID-19 Update
3. Collaborative Meter Reading of DPMWD Commercial Meters
4. Reanalyzing the Contract Services Agreement
5. Safety Condition Assessment
6. Groundwater Facility Assessment
7. Prioritize Infrastructure Replacement
8. Water Agency Affiliations – Benefit of RWA, SGA, etc.
9. Next Meeting Date, Time, and Topics for Discussion
10. Public Comment