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Important Update on the Potential Reorganization of SSWD and DPMWD

February 4, 2025

Subject: Important Update on the Potential Reorganization of SSWD and DPMWD

Dear Valued Customer,

This letter is written to update you on the potential reorganization of the Sacramento Suburban Water District (SSWD) and Del Paso Manor Water District (DPMWD) and to inform you of a Public Hearing where you can learn more and share your input.

Public Hearing on the Proposed Reorganization
Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 5:30 p.m.

Sacramento County Board Chambers
700 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Live stream available at


The Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo), the agency that oversees changes to local government structures, will review the proposed reorganization and accept public comments before making a decision. You can attend in person, virtually, or submit written comments in advance. Comments will be included in the official record for consideration by LAFCo Commissioners. Visit for details.

What This Means for You
In May 2024, LAFCo adopted a Resolution of Intent to Dissolve DPMWD. Reorganization could provide DPMWD with financial stability while SSWD is well-positioned to integrate DPMWD customers and staff while providing financial protection for both districts.

If approved:

  • Governance and Name: The reorganized district will retain the name Sacramento Suburban Water District with a five-member Board of Directors that includes incumbent SSWD Directors.
  • Debt and Liabilities: Ratepayers within their respective service areas will continue to be responsible for any debts and liabilities.
  • Assets Transfer: Certain assets will be used exclusively for the benefit of ratepayers within their respective service areas.
  • Separate Water Systems: The Del Paso Manor service area will operate separately with its own rates, fees, and charges until sufficient rehabilitation and replacement of its water system have been completed.
  • Advisory Committee: A Del Paso Manor Advisory Committee will be created and responsible for reviewing proposals and making recommendations to the SSWD Board for Capital Improvement Projects within the DPM Service Areas and be responsible for outreach to the ratepayers of that service area. This committee will be comprised of incumbent DPMWD Directors.
  • Employee Transition: Existing non-contract DPMWD staff will transition to SSWD during the
    reorganization period.

We encourage you to stay informed. More information, including Frequently Asked Questions, is available at and

You are also invited to attend the SSWD and DPMWD Joint Board Meetings. The next meeting scheduled is at 6:00 p.m., on March 12, 2025, in the SSWD Boardroom located at 3701 Marconi Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95821.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Dan York, General Manager Sacramento Suburban Water District
Adam Coyan, General Manager Del Paso Manor Water District

SSWD-DPMWD LAFCO Hearing March 05, 2025.pdf